We are campaigning to address the imbalances on the UK Dental Boards. Our new research has shown that only 10 out of 26 boards we surveyed had a gender balance. Importantly, 8 boards had less than 40% women members. This is simply wrong and needs correcting. You can find this data here.
On this site, we will publicise our efforts, hold discussions, post relevant documents and update on our progress.
What are we concerned about?
There has been a substantial body of research into the area of diversity on non-dental boards. In general, this has illustrated that inclusive and balanced boards are likely to be more effective, better able to understand their stakeholders, be open to new ideas and have broader experience. This, in turn, leads to improved decision making.
Importantly, there is a tendency for boards to be made up of similar members with similar backgrounds, experience and networks. If the members are homogenous, they are more likely to produce “group think”. Furthermore, it is essential that boards make use of the available skills within an organisation. By not utilising their female talent, organisations are likely to have poorer performance.
Finally, it is our viewpoint that as 50% of registered dentists are women, any imbalance is simply wrong and may represent discrimination.
“Diversity must become core business for all NHS boards: diversity data should be a regular part of board information. Initiatives should have success measured and reported on. Directors should be accountable”.
“Rather than having bland ‘we strive to be an equal opportunities employer’ wording, actually identifying and explicitly saying, ‘we welcome applications from these under-represented protected characteristics’ and then listing them: so BME, LGBT”.
“We need to change mindsets, if my emergency department performance drops off I know I’ll get a phone call, I won’t get a call if my board isn’t 50/50 by 2020.”
About us.
We’re a group that formed to simply highlight the issue of the imbalance of the UK Dental Boards. We hope to open healthy debate and be a source of information that the boards could use to make changes if they so wish.

Kevin O’Brien
Emeritus Professor
Retired dentist. Previously, Orthodontist, Dean of Manchester Dental School and Chair of General Dental Council.

Sarah Baker
Professor of Psychology applied to Dentistry, University of Sheffield
Chartered Psychologist. International Association of Dental Research Distinguished Scientist.

Claire Stevens CBE
Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry.
Clinical policy lead Office of the CDO. Founding member Diversity in Dentistry Action Group (DDAG).

Nishma Sharma
Mummy of two, practising dentist, clinical advisor for NHSE, clinical leadership manager for the Office of the Chief Dental Officer, England and the Chair/founder of the Diversity in Dentistry Action Group (DDAG).

Lauren Harrhy
Member BDA PEC. Lauren’s main focus for the past few years has been on helping to maintain the mental health of dental professionals. She is a Trustee of Confidental, a helpline providing emotional first aid to dentists in crisis.

Jason Wong MBE
Jason is currently Deputy Chief Dental officer for England. He has held a range of positions including chairing the Local Dental Network for Hertfordshire and South Midlands and the West Midlands as well as secretary of Lincolnshire Local Dental committee for 16 years

Mohsan Ahmad
Worked in some of the highest needs areas in Manchester for over 15 years. Chair Greater Manchester LDN. Winner of FGDP Dentist in the Community in 2019.
Social Media Wall
We know that inclusive and balanced boards are more effective than unbalanced boards. Unfortunately, the BDA PEC is unbalanced and does not represent the diversity of its members.
If you want a BDA board that is more ...balanced and in touch, please vote in the current elections.
We know it is an archaic postal vote system. But let’s try to achieve change by casting your vote by 16th December.
It's me again 😁. Hopefully you will be in receipt of an email from the BDA requesting that you vote for a GDPC candidate in your area. If you are in my area (Hertfordshire and South Midlands) then obviously I would like your vote. However I stress again what I really want you do is get ...involved. Read the candidate information and choose someone for the right reasons but more importantly choose someone. We can't complain about things if we if we don't try and change them. Thanks
It's election time again!! Hurrah. 😁. I am standing for the GDPC and would really appreciate your vote . This one is online so please look out for the emails sent by the BDA and vote for someone who really does have your best interests at heart. If you're not in my area you ...won't be able to vote for me but please still use your vote in your area and for the other committees etc. Even if you are able to vote for me and don't want to (I'm very thick skinned 😁) please still help choose a candidate and don't waste the opportunity to have a say Thanks
## Diversity and the BDA committees
The BDA has been making genuine efforts to increase the diversity of its committees. However, it is not long until BDA members can cast their votes for the membership of several important committees. This group includes the Principal Executive Committee.... Currently, the BDA committees do not reflect the diversity of its membership. So this is an excellent opportunity to use your votes to increase the diversity of the BDA committees.
In this very relevant blog post, Hannah Woolnough addresses diverse representation in the BDA. I think that it is a great article. I hope that you read it, and it encourages you to vote over the next couple of weeks. So, please vote and try to change the balance of the BDA boards.

Dental politics: Diverse representation matters Blog Author Hannah Woolnough Blog Date 07/10/2021 Page Content Why diversity is fundamental to the...
bit.ly## The great new Royal College of Surgeons Diversity Action Plan
Earlier this year, the Royal College of Surgeons published the results of a review of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. We have posted about this previously. The report was rather scathing and suggested that the College made... changes. The College welcomed the report and has now developed an action plan.
I thought we should share this document because it is an excellent example of changes that the Dental Boards should consider.

Background Earlier this year, the Royal College of Surgeons published the results of a review of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. We have posted...
balancethedentalboards.comSharon Kaur at Dr Sharon’s Facial Aesthetics speaks out about sexism in dentistry and what the profession can collectively do to address it;
We are getting a lot of resistance to our work on Facebook. I know that this is not the ideal forum for discussion etc. But I thought that I should share this article by Neel Kothari that was published in Dentistry magazine. Mostly for information, but I would also welcome any comments?

Neel Kothari discusses gender equality in dentistry and asks the question – it its current promotion being ideologically driven?
dentistry.co.uk**UK Dental Conferences have a gender imbalance.**
This paper showed a gender imbalance of speakers at major UK dental conferences. I thought that the results were concerning. Read the post in full here

This paper looked at the gender imbalance of speakers at major UK dental conferences. I thought that the results were somewhat concerning.
balancethedentalboards.com## An update on Balance the Dental Boards.
This post is an update on Balance the Dental Boards. Over the course of the summer, we slowed our activity. This was mostly to allow any changes in the gender balance of the boards to take place. I hope that this post provides an update and gives ...some background on why I am involved in these efforts.

Introduction This post is an update on Balance the Dental Boards. Over the course of the summer, we slowed our activity. This was mostly to allow any...